Sunday, December 11, 2016

Comment on a classmate's article

I totally agree with my classmate Omar's article about the bag ban has led to an unintended consequence. Since the ban took effect, people buy the thicker bigger bag at the store whenever they buy a lot of things. Omar mentions, "those bags take longer than regular plastic bags to decompose". The ban is intended to help improve the environment. However, instead of the thinner bags are thrown everywhere, we are now seeing people throw away heavy-duty reusable plastic bags at an unprecedented rate. 

The city’s good intention in the bag ban is not enough to save the environment. People need to change their own habit in order to save the environment. I like his idea about people should re-use the bags. Isn't that what it called? RE-USE-ABLE ?!. He also made a really good point that the money will add up over time. These bags usually cost around .99 cent. Some people will think that it is nothing. However, when they spend .99 cent every time they go to the store, it can add up to 5$ per month, and 60$ per year. Spending 60$ for a bunch of bags which are thrown away, and cause pollution?  It isn’t worth it!

Omar has a good article. However, I wish he could write more detail about this issue. For example, the consequences of having plastic bag should be mentioned. The Los Angeles Times last May states: “A reusable grocery bag left in a hotel bathroom caused an outbreak of norovirus-induced diarrhea and nausea that struck nine of 13 members of a girls’ soccer team in October, Oregon researchers reported Wednesday.” The reader is informed why it is important to reuse their reusable bags.

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